NBREA Committees
Are you interested in joining one of NBREA’s committees? Click on a committee name below to reveal more information about each opportunity.
Actively Recruiting Volunteers for 2023
The Government Relations Committee exists to assist the Board of Directors in establishing and maintaining appropriate board policies that guide the NBREA in respect to achieving just and desirable legislation, regulation and taxation affecting real estate and real estate transactions in New Brunswick.
The Government Relations Committee’s job is to ensure that the board has developed a framework of policy options that are adequate to fulfil its policy obligations by broadly directing NBREA towards achieving a just and desirable legislative, regulatory and taxation environment for real estate and real estate transactions in New Brunswick.
The committee will meet on a schedule determined by the committee members as adequate to pursue its agenda. The committee will interface with management and, as required, expert third parties and outside organizations to gather information and advice about legislative, regulatory and taxation issues so that it can prepare a range of viable options and their impacts for policy deliberation by the board on such issues.
Actively Recruiting Volunteers for 2023
The purpose of this committee is to plan the annual NBREA conference as well as any REALTORS Care® events throughout the year. The committee will also provide support during these events.
The committee shall consist of a Chairperson or Co-Chairs to run each meeting in an organized fashion. This will be aided by a staff liaison. Members will consist of NBREA REALTOR® members and supporting staff from local Real Estate Boards.
Meetings will be held as needed (in person or virtually) from August to April until the annual conference takes place. Fewer or or more meetings may be called as needed and as desired by the Committee.
Not Currently Accepting Applications/Full 2023
The Discipline Committee is the final sounding board for a Complaint Submitted through the Office of The Registrar. The Discipline Committee is charged with making the final decision regarding complaints that have been forwarded to them by the Complaint Committee where it is alleged that the Respondent to a Complaint may have committed an infraction under the REALTOR® Code of Ethics. The Discipline Committee has the prerogative to resolve a complaint brought before them by conducting a merit hearing where the substance of the complaint is reviewed to establish guilt, followed by a penalty hearing where the Committee will assign penalties and repercussions based on the previously conducted merit hearing. There may be instances where both parties consent to conducting a dual hearing whereby both hearings are conducted in unison over a one-day period in lieu of holding two separate hearings.
The Discipline Committee panel is comprised of One Chair, one Public Appointee as approved by the Director (FCNB), and three REALTORS®. Additional members of the committee are appointed as alternates in the event that circumstances require their use.
Not Currently Accepting Applications/Full 2023
The Complaint Committee is an integral part of the New Brunswick Real Estate Association and acts as a vetting board for incoming complaints about members of the Association. In the consideration of a complaint, the Complaint Committee can resolve a complaint by way of voluntary resolution (consent agreement), dismiss the complaint for no merit, dismiss the complaint as a result of not having the jurisdiction to act in the area prescribed by the substance of the complaint, or to forward the complaint to the Discipline Committee.
The Complaint Committee panel is comprised of one member appointed as the Chair, one Public Appointee as approved by the Director (FCNB), and one REALTOR®. Additional members of the committee are appointed as alternates in the event that circumstances require their use.
Not Currently Accepting Applications/Full 2023
It shall be the duty of this committee to oversee the annual audit and regularly review the financial position of the Association and to report thereon to the Directors.
1. Provide orientation to new committee members;
2. Prepare an annual budget, which annual budget shall be approved by the Board prior to the commencement of the new fiscal year;
3. Review the internal financial statements on a regular basis; comparing operating results to budgets and prior year’s results;
4. Recommend changes needed in the financial operation of the NBREA;
5. Manage of all assets and investments belonging to NBREA;
6. Ensure the integrity of the NBREA accounting and management reporting systems;
7. Recommend changes in the levels of fees paid by members;
8. Evaluate its Terms of Reference and recommend amendments to the Board;
9. To assist in creation and monitoring of a long-term financial plan;
10. Recommend such other matters of a financial nature that affects the financial position of the Association.
Accepting Expressions of Interest for Future Vacancies 2023
The work of the committee/task force is to:
o Provide forms review
o Develop and recommend to the NBREA Board of Directors New Residential standardized forms for the membership;
o Recommend changes to the NBREA Board of Directors on existing Residential standardized forms for the membership.
o Recommend implementation strategies for adopting standardized forms in the province.
In developing its product, the committee may call on staff and/or outside resources to ensure available options and important implications have not been omitted.
Accepting Expressions of Interest for Future Vacancies 2023
The Real Estate Insurance Alliance of Canada Inc. (REIA) is a corporation formed to deal with the procurement of insurance for real estate agents in the provinces of Manitoba, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador. REIA is governed by a board of directors which has representation from all provinces concerned. One of the overriding factors that made membership in REIA attractive was the concept of REALTORS® making decisions for REALTORS®. To accomplish this goal, claims committees were established to review claims and make decisions on their outcome.
Not Currently Accepting Applications/Full 2023
The Committee of Examiners will:
1. Ensure the provision of all education programs to prepare people to write the examination, approved by the Minister of Justice, qualifying them for licensing under the Real Estate Agents Act, either as a manager, agent or a salesperson.
2. Manage the license maintenance program, subject to the Minister’s approval, for licensed real estate practitioners to meet the requirements for maintaining their license.
3. Recommend applicants and/or waiver of requirements for licensing to the Minister of Justice
4. Establish, subject to the approval of the Minister, such policies and procedures as are necessary to ensure the effective delivery of these educational and licensing requirements.