Who is NBREA?
The New Brunswick Real Estate Association (NBREA) is a provincial association of REALTORS® working together to strengthen and promote standards of professional-ism. The NBREA was incorporated in 1958 and today represents over 1400 agents, salespeople, and affiliate members throughout the province.
The New Brunswick Real Estate Association (NBREA) regulates, advocates for, and educates its members to advance the profession and protect the public interest.
REALTORS® enjoy a high level of respect and confidence from the public.
Our vision is based on the following values:
- Integrity
- Professionalism
- Ethics
- Leadership
The Association is committed to protecting the interests of New Brunswick’s real estate buyers and sellers by:
- Developing and maintaining standards of qualification for real estate professionals;
- Providing educational programs for its members, including pre-licensing courses and continuing education;
- Promoting public awareness of the role of the Association; and
- Enforcing strict adherence to standards of professional ethics as specified in the Canadian Real Estate Association REALTOR® Code of Ethics.
The real estate industry in New Brunswick is co-regulated by the provincial government through the Financial and Consumer Services Commission and NBREA. These two organizations regulate who may enter and continue in the industry, and how industry members should conduct themselves. Responsibilities of the Financial and Consumer Services Commission include:
- regulate the industry in partnership with NBREA;
- license real estate agents, managers, and salespersons;
- investigate and resolve complaints under the Real Estate Agents Act;
- respond to inquiries and provide consumer education;
- administer and enforce the Real Estate Agents Act;
- conduct criminal record checks on license applicants; and
- provide ministerial approval for all NBREA licensing courses and mandatory continuing education programs.